
Social Listening: Cotopaxi

       The brand that I chose is Cotopaxi, recently I have been seeing more people wearing Cotopaxi apparel and bags all around campus and town. Cotopaxi is a sustainable brand that designs outdoor gear for people who love adventure. People love that Cotopaxi focuses on sustainability and implements this through its brand. I chose Cotopaxi because I admire their great efforts and their colorful, bright pieces.       Cotopaxi's value proposition is to offer its consumers quality outdoor products that are sustainable. The brand also works to help tackle the issue of poverty, and inspire people to do good, and be more adventurous. They truly value their customers and the world we live in.            After looking through their social media presence, they definitely have a large following and receive a lot of positive comments on their posts. Below are just a few positive things that their followers have to say. On t...

About Me

               Hi, my name's Isabella, but I also go by Bella. I am 20 years old and from Walnut Creek, California, which is in the East Bay Area. Right now I'm living in Corvallis, Oregon and enrolled at both Linn Benton Community College and Oregon State University. This is my third year at OSU/LBCC studying Design and Innovation Management and with a minor in Graphic Design. However, it took me the first two years to decide on a major/minor, in fact, I've changed my major 5 times and made minor changes about 4 times! As a college of business student, Principles of Marketing is a required course, hence why I'm taking this class. Despite this being a required class, I am actually really excited for the material and knowledge I will gain from this class. I have a very basic understanding of marketing and the principles of it, but I know it's about selling a product or service and there's a lot of psychology that goes into the subject. I look ...